random pictures throughout the summer...

haha we found this crazy mirror and thought...photo op!

Nicole was having fun with random pictures...

So Kim and I drove to Wenatchee last monday and found that we hit a poor little birdie! I had to fling it out with a screw driver (fliinging it at Kim in the process which freaked her out! LOL) Then Kim and i buried it with a mound of rocks and named him Ferdinand...Kim was really disturbed the whole time...haha

semi-trucks make it through within inches...but there is a plus to all this...NO DUST AND DIRT to get in the face! :D

ok funny story...so i was on the bridge and i looked over onto the rocks and i saw this animal! i was like crazy a BEAVER! so radio'd my co-worker and told him and he was like oh cool! so then i find out later that its a ground hog and now the guys wont let it go! haha what ive never seen a ground hog before! haha