Ok. so i am going to start being an awesome blogger and try posting a few times a week instead of a year and a HALF at a time! :) So in the last year and a half, I got married to the most wonderful man in the world, Johnny Lee Mills! I am really happy to have him in my life and to be able to start building our life together in our shoe box. :) It is a rather nice shoe box so I don't complain! We just call it that! :)
Right now, johnny and I are finishing up our last couple semesters of school. Johnny is taking 18 credits a semester, working part time and has a major calling in our ward at church. I can't believe all the sacrifices he is making for us and our future! I am very grateful for him! We are looking forward to graduating in

The scary part for me is not knowing where we are headed after school is out, but i know the Lord will direct us for the greater good! sidenote: i miss my family :( hahahaha!
In other news

, Nicole has turned 16....scary! I still remember her as my short, bright, blond-haired, blue-eyed sister skipping home from school. Now she is growing up into a beautiful and talented young lady! *tear*
Kim has been having such a good semester in all of her classes and just found out she is going to Europe next fall semester! I am very excited for her. I also told her I would give her some money to buy me something European! LOL! She always picks out the best things so I trust her to pick me out something that I would like! She is awesome like that!
Kristi is in middle school now! What a big step she has taken! I am

very proud of her for all she does! She is beautiful and sweet! I also really admire her singing talent and the time she has taken to improve her other talents...her guitar playing! She really admired Kim playing the guitar, so she decided to pick it up! She got a guitar for Christmas and she was so thrilled, that she started crying! I didn't expect that-She is truly inspiring!