Mills Family

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Near Death Experiences...YiKeS!!!!

So work was very interesting on Wednesday...if you like to call near death experiences interesting at here's the story: we are working on this road where there are train tracks so i had a semi truck stopped on the other side of me and the tracks...i let some cars go from my side... after that i was 25 feet away and i turned my sign to start letting the semi through...i moved up about 10 feet as he was coming and then when the semi was halfway through the 2 sets of tracks the railroad lights go on and the thingys start coming down and the semi between the 2 thingys...and i am yelling at him to come on and drive through the pole things that come down cuz they are flexible fiber glass for a reason lol but he jumps out and we start running from the area....the train comes and misses the back of the semi by a foot or less! i couldnt believe how lucky we were...i didnt stop shaking for like 3 hours and i will admit i cried a little haha i am just thankful that i and the guy are could have been horrible cuz if it woulda hit would have sent things flying everywhere...and i and the guy most likely could have been hit because although we were running, it wouldnt have been fast enough cuz the impact would have been huge...

so yeah there is my near-death experience...and now i am officially afraid of the trains and the sounds of the trains as they come through the area...eesh!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Alright so i have been going absolutely crazy these last couple days over the twilight series...what else better is there to do on memorial day weekend when you have no friends in town and no holy cuteness of a man in your life at the moment...why not crush over some fictional character who will never be real and who gives us girls everywhere unrealistic expectations about men??? Edward Cullen...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

wORK aND mORE...

these are everywhere in the little town of Monitor, Washington. The apple trees are beautiful they way they cover the countryside! Its an awesome place to work just because of the view!

Ok so this is a cute little house i was working by and i just love it! i want one just like it! cute little porch it has!

This is what the drive through Steven's Pass to work looks like on monday mornings...beautiful and just glad it stays there and not on either side of the pass!

This is me in the mornings...yeah im scary...practically your worst nightmare! muahahahahaha!!!

Nicole and I playing with a flower! I love this girl! She is an awesome sister!

Here is my other awesome sister Kim with her prom date, Tony! She is so adorable!

Ok so Kim and I had to make a desert for our singles ward activity so we had some real fun decorating a cake of cup cakes! Kim drew everything and I colored in between the lines of the flowers and dotted the that good!

Its me and my newish hair! A trip to the hair salon and i feel like a new woman! yay!